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タイトル デューラー『メランコリアI』
コメント Albrecht Dürer's Melancholia I (1514) includes an order 4 square with magic sum 34
Melancholia I The bat-like creature flying through a night sky declares the subject of this famous engraving: Melancolia I. That dark temperament is personified by a female figure seated in the foreground. The winged infant beside her is a 'genius' (in the ancient sense, meaning an accompanying spirit).
Melancholy has wings and from her belt hang keys and a money bag, symbolizing power and wealth. She is surrounded by measuring instruments. Above her head is a panel of 'magic' numbers (they add up to 34 in all directions). At her feet are the tools that can fashion the material world. Yet she does nothing: lost in thought, she turns away from the light.

Renaissance philosophers had suggested a new interpretation for melancholy, as the temperament of genius (in the modern sense). Melancholy was possessed by artists, in whom 'Imagination' predominates; 'Reason' dominates scholars; while the final stage of 'Spirit' was the preserve of theologians. If this interpretation is correct, Dürer has presented us with a portrait of his mental behaviour, as he knew about the danger of too much spirital work as an artist. Although he was born in the name of mercure, not saturn and therefor after a letter from Beheim to Pirckheimer, not a melancholic.
iコード i886025 掲載日 2024年 09月 13日 (金) 08時 35分 02秒
ジャンル 絵画 形式 JPG 画像サイズ 805×1024
ファイルサイズ 312,687 byte



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